There Is One Last Park Left to Design in the East Cut District, and You Can Help with It!

The East Cut Community Benefit District is inviting community members to participate in a unique process that will provide framework for and help inform the designs of future Transbay Park – the last park to be designed in the East Cut district – to be developed on Transbay Block 3.

Your candid input is essential for helping The East Cut CBD, Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII, lead development agency for Transbay Park), and the San Francisco Department of Public Works Landscape Architects, Architects, and Engineers (SFPW, lead design agency for Transbay Park) to understand the needs and wants for the future Transbay Park. We seek your input to ensure this small urban park will become a destination hosting play areas and gathering spaces to the serve the needs and desires of the neighborhood and all that visit this little gem. The future Transbay Park will be located in the East Cut and will be approximately 1 acre in size.

The park will be adjacent to housing developments, two-way bicycle lanes, and two major streets: Beale and Main. The Transbay Park survey is the first step of our community outreach process. Please continue to visit our website, instagram page, and facebook page to stay updated on the design process, future community tours and meetings the next 8 months.

This survey should take 5-8 minutes and will help provide a framework for the design of the neighborhood park. This survey is anonymous. Your answers will not be attached to your name or email address.

We greatly appreciate your support in forwarding the survey link to your friends and neighbors:

Create your own user feedback survey