The East Cut features numerous, celebrated restaurants that residents, workers, and daily commuters alike have patronized for years. However, the past few months have been challenging for most small businesses, and in particular, the restaurants in our district.
Inspired by the stories of community stakeholders in North Beach who came together to support their favorite restaurants, The East Cut CBD is launching East Cut Eats, a free neighborhood delivery service run by volunteers, providing district residents with the stories and the meals from the restaurants that make The East Cut’s food scene one of the best parts of our district.

Here is how the program works:
Each week, the CBD will partner with one restaurant that will offer a curated East Cut Eats menu made exclusively for East Cut residents, with the CBD supporting free delivery each Thursday. Orders can be placed on Tuesday and Wednesday at , when the special limited menu is announced, and the order will be delivered on Thursday of that week, for FREE! Meanwhile, throughout the week, the CBD social media pages will highlight the restaurant and celebrate its story, people, and craftsmanship behind their menu as well as its and contribution to the neighborhood’s identity. On the Thursday delivery event day, volunteers will deliver orders from the restaurant to residents within The East Cut, subsidizing the cost of delivery so residents only pay the cost of the food.
No delivery fee + delicious local meals + support of East Cut small businesses! In a nutshell, that is the goal behind the East Cut Eats initiative. We hope you enjoy learning more about the people and passions behind your favorite local eateries and begin to make Thursday your order-in meal night!
Visit our website, Facebook, Instagram, (#eastcuteats) for updates, and join our mailing list to catch the latest announcements!