560 Mission St

560 Mission St, San Francisco CA 94105

560 Mission Street is a POPOS located along a block featuring several other open spaces including 555 Mission Street, 100 First Plaza Sun Terrace, and Shaw Alley. 560 Mission is located adjacent to JP Morgan Chase Building creating one of the most active outdoor lunch areas in the neighborhood. The POPOS has two popular lunch locations, Split Bread and Mixt, that utilize the varied seating throughout the POPOS keeping it active at midday. The space features movable seating, fixed seating and sculptured wood seating. A unique element at this site is the kinetic wind sculpture “Annular Eclipse” by George Rickey that turns according to the wind. The open space is ideal for large groups eating lunch as it has ample movable seating and tables available for rearrangement. The large blank wall bordering the East side of the POPOS could be programmed to provide further art or greening for the benefit of the users.

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